

The Pan-African Pictorial Museum develops an image of the Revolutionary Culture Directorate of the projected People’s Republican State of Africa. Serving as a Department of the Centre for Consciencist Studies and Analyses (CENCSA), it presents a pictorial and textual illustration of the reality of the African Nation against the counter-claims of those who deny it. Currently, it sees an African with a Dual Identity but strives to foster the development of a homogeneous African Personality within which the contradictions of this Dual Identity is resolved. It researches into African ethnography with the aim to offering a blueprint for an ethnographic re-demarcation of Africa to restore the pre-colonial ethnographic map of the continent in reversal of the balkanization of African society by the imperialist forces gathered at the Berlin Conference of 1884/5. As a revolutionary organ it does not only collect museum pieces to preserve them but also participates in the processes of implementation of its findings for the evolution and emergence of the African Personality.


The Museum represents a vision of a re-demarcated Africa that corresponds with its ethnographic map such that no ethnic group in Africa is divided into different cultural and linguistic spaces due to the colonially-inherited neo-colonial boundaries. To this effect, it promotes consciousness of the need for this re-demarcation for the elimination of those boundaries and participates in the practical processes for the realization of that re-demarcation through a determination as well as the application of its technical suggestions.


To assist the Centre for Consciencist Studies and Analyses in the projection of the African Personality through the development of ancient and modern African history in its integrity but not as unrelated pieces reflecting the artificial and unviable neo-colonial state existences; and, to this end, aim at developing an image of the Revolutionary Culture Directorate of the People’s Republican State of Africa to preserve and develop the heritage of the African Nation.